Blog Archive

16 March 2018

Children in War

Music, poem and photographs by Felicia Jarvis
Reading by Andrew Jarvis

Children in War

Empty massacres 
Small eyes are watching 
Their words 
Going up to the empty sky 
Fading away without any realistic effect 
No one notices 
No one understands 
But children try to find 
Their times 
And hopes which they used to have 
But, a whirlpool of hopelessness 
Captures them 
They will have 
An illusion of silence 
During the worst commotion 
Their pleading surely exists 
In their voices without sound 
In their writings without letters 
In their words without being said 
In their breathing 
In their minds 
In their silent screams 
And calmness in the madness
Photographs, music and poem by Felicia Jarvis
 © 2018 Felicia Jarvis All Rights Reserved


  1. >>In their breathing
    >>★In their minds In their silent screams★
    >>And calmness in the madness

    最後から2行目の In their minds と In their silent screams は、本来は別々の行にあったのではないですか?Felicia さんが別のサイトからこちらにコピーするときに、改行するのを忘れたのでしょうね。PoetrySoup のサイトでのあなたのこの詩のページ


  2. ご指摘ありがとうございます。
