Blog Archive

15 March 2018

My Longest Dream of The Shortest Sleep

My dear cat, Jemima. She is about two years old. 
I painted this in February 2018. Oil

My Longest Dream of the Shortest Sleep

I wondered if my emptiness was my fault
I wished that my life would immediately halt
My swollen heart was filled with pain

Once realities made me a dreamer
Emptiness would kill me quicker
Than my purse filled with nothing

My longest dream of the shortest sleep
Like admiring shallow waters “so deep!”
Like calling uncertainties the divine truth

To distinguish confusion from depth
Requires courage to stand beneath
People who ranked themselves superior

Oh God, hide me from their poisons
Its sweet odor of everlasting haughtiness
Desperately longed for by ambitious men

Painting and poem by Felicia Jarvis
 © 2018 Felicia Jarvis All Rights Reserved


  1. >>Its ★sweet odor★ of everlasting haughtiness

    sweet と odor とは反対の意味合いを持つので、この二つは oxymoron を成していますが、こういう手法が僕は好きです。Shakespeare の "Romeo and Juliet" の Romeo の台詞の中でもこれが連発されていて、面白いんですよね。

    1. ありがとうございます。全く反対のものを組み合わせるのは面白いです。言葉だけじゃありませんね。洋服の素材なども、普通だとかみ合わないようなイメージの強いものを組み合わせることで、新しい世界が出来上がります。
